The post I’m about to make is as a result of research which emanates from existing symbain hacking methods and I so much fine tuned it that I have applied it on the following Nokia phones with success: Nokia N8, Nokia E5 Nokia E7, Nokia N95 and Nokia E65. From theafore mentioned phones, you should know that I have covered all Nokia symbian operating systems. Now read carefully and you will see clearly where the slight but effective changes lie. You don’t need the screenshot for this just follow the screenshots you have already downloaded but make sure you watch out for my modification in this post.
Make sure you have the following ready:
1. DrWeb6 for symbian (
2. (
3. RomPacther 3.1 Lite ( or RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx (
4. X-plore_s60_3rd_1_53.sisx ( (optional)
5. ( (optional)
6. A memory card reader or a nokia usb cable
7. A symbian phone that has either an inbuilt mass memory or a memory card
8. A computer :p


1. Connect phone your phone to PCwith your usb cable, or memory card to PC with cardreader, (Make sure that DO NOT connect the phone in Ovi Suite or Nokia PC suite mode plus make sure that neither Nokia PC Suite nor Ovi Suite is running when you connect the phone with PC (because system folders can not be accessedin these modes. You need to do this so that you can have access to the private folder inside your massmemory or memory card.

2. Download (it is in the zip folder I uploaded, I will drop the link below). NOW PLEASE FOR WHATEVER REASON, DONT USE ””
In some posts that you have read, they will tell you to use for phones with memory card and that you should use for phones with MassMemory; I’m telling you confidentially now thatyou should only use for all type of phones.

3. Now extract all the contents in into a folder named “Private” (that is inside the archive). Copy the folder “20024113″ that will be found inside “Private” and unpack to phone mass storage or memory card. Now this is what I mean, after extracting the zip file on yourPC, a folder named private will be created exactly where you unzip the archive.
Now go to My Computer and open the memory card or mass memoryconnected to PC (make sure that you are opening memory card or mass memory). Now find and openthe “Private” folder and paste the folder named”20024113″ which is inside the folder you extracted from QuarantineDRIVERS.DLL to theprivate folder inside the private folder of your memory card or mass memory . Now disconnect the phone (or memory card) from PC.
If you don’t see “Private” folder in memory card then enable the “Show hidden and System files” option in your PC and if it still doesn’t appear, then create the folder “private” manually on your memory card.

4.Download and install DrWeb6 for symbian
If it ask for registration key then press cancel it will activate trial mode for you and this is all you need

5. Launch DrWeb.

6. Go to Options – Quarantine
Go Options – Select all
Go Options – Restore -.
Now, RomPacther drivers are in c:\sys\bin folder

7. Download and install RomPacther 3.1 Lite(also in the package)
Launch RomPatcher and apply Open4all patch. Now you have access to write in all system folders. You then need to apply installserver patch, so that you caninstall all unsigned apps compatible with your phone .
Note: if you use an older s60v3 phone e.g nokia E65 , N73 and others, you will encounter one little problem and this is the solution:
After doing all above, open your rompatcher and enable installserver and open for all you will notice that install server will show red but open4all will indicate green. Download installserver pack from from (
Nokia E65 – it has OS 9.1, so after extracting the installserver pack copy out installserver9.1 and open your xplore in your phone then copy the installserver to C:/sys/bin that is all.
Now go back to your rompatcher and apply installserver this time it will show green. Mind you, if you want your rompatcher to always work automatically please, make sure you download the latest version of rompatcher then set installserver to auto patch from your rompatches. Otherwise whenever you restart your phone and you wish to install any unsigned app, you will still get the certificate error. So if you install the rompatcher from my package then be sure to manually apply patches anytime you want to install apps that are not signed.


With the steps above carefully followed, you should be able to hack any symbian phone no matter the operating system. Symbian Anna, S60V5 and S60V3 can all be hacked using this method.